Fernando Rutia

Fernando Rutia

ES  55 years old
Traveler since 2014 non stop. I want to discover the real life in the countries where I go in order to know as well the cultures and a few words of their language. I crossed 39 countries right now and I'll finish the first part of my travel in South Korea next January 23rd. After I'll cross America, Chile is the first country in the second part of the travel. I want to visit the most countries as possible in the continent, from the south to the north, passing the center and crossing the Caribbean Sea islands. I have planning the 3rd and the 4th part, but is long time to arrive there. So when arrive the time I'll tell you.

La Vuelta al Mundo Sin Prisas

March 2014 - May 2018  •  1513 days

Discovering, learning, knowing, enjoying, sharing, living